

futurebuilt norway

FutureBuilt, Norway (2018): 50% Life-cycle Carbon reduction


FutureBuilt is a decade-long pilot program in Norway to provide skills, experience, and proof on how to design and construct buildings and halve their life-cycle emissions. The FutureBuilt program aims to include at least 50 projects and share experiences and results from these to the construction branch, and to a wider audience as well. The program is a result of cooperation with several municipalities, state bodies and financing organizations as well as industry associations.

FutureBuilt’s 2018 version is based on the Norwegian Standard NS 3720 Method for greenhouse gas calculations for buildings, which is based on the European standards. The calculations are done for a 60-year period. Each project shall include (at a minimum) four calculations, including:

  • Reference building, at the beginning of concept design, using specific rules set by FutureBuilt, based on energy regulation for building types, building size, floor number, and type-specific material use for each part of the building, and location and type-specific transport patterns as well as other choices allowing adjustment of, for example, foundation work due to site specific foundation conditions
  • Targeted building, in the early design phase. This must show at least a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to the reference building.
  • Actual building – as built. In this phase, all products sourced with EPDs must use EPDs for the calculation.
  • Extended commissioning status – two years in use. Here, all energy use and transport emissions must be using the realized consumption and actual travel pattern data.

Uniquely, the FutureBuilt scope includes transport of the building users during the occupation phase, 60 years, which makes the selection of a site close to a public transport hub/city center essential for the carbon performance of the building. FutureBuilt demands the project to appoint an emissions tracking expert. The tracking expert must report the greenhouse gas emissions of the project at various stages, including at completion (as-built).

1) FutureBuilt, Norway (2018),

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