SE 2050 was developed and is managed by a dedicated group of volunteers. All members of the team are members of the SE 2050 subcommittee of the SEI Sustainability Committee and bring each a unique perspective and level of expertise to SE 2050. The team is broken down into subgroups managed by a subgroup leader and the Leadership Group. The different subgroup areas of focus are:
SE 2050 Commitment Program Team

Leadership Group
The Leadership Group comprises leaders of each subgroup, including the positions of Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary. The Leadership Group is responsible for managing all aspects of the Commitment Program, including liaising with SEI leadership. All committee members have an opportunity to become a part of the Leadership Group through their active contributions to the SE 2050 Commitment Program.

Luke Lombardi, Co-Chair
Buro Happold, Los Angeles, CA

Lauren Wingo, Co-Chair
Arup, Washington D.C.

Genevieve Graham, Vice Chair
Arup, Los Angeles CA

Erin Winston, Secretary
HKS, Dallas TX

Jessica Martinez, Resources Co-Lead
DCI Engineers, Seattle WA

Mark D. Webster, Resources Co-Lead
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc., Waltham MA

Annabel Shephard, Program Mechanics
PCS Structural Solutions, Portland OR

Zachary Chabot, Database
Thornton Tomasett, Portland ME

Chris Jeseritz, Communications
PCS Structural Solutions, Seattle WA

Lauren Alger, Infrastructure
STV Inc., New York NY

Charlotte Ochoa, Policy & Partnerships
US Environmental Protection Agency, Chicago IL

Michael Gryniuk, Advisor
Cora Structural, Boston MA

Frances Yang, Advisor
Arup, San Francisco CA

Dirk Kestner, Advisor
Walter P Moore, Austin TX
Subgroup Contributors
The subgroup contributors play a key role in accomplishing the goals of SE 2050 by making key contributions in each of the subgroups. Many contributors are active and also contribute to the overall direction of the Program.

Eric Borchers
KAI Hawaii, Honolulu HI

Emily Lorenz
Consulting Engineer

Teresa C. Vangeli
WSP, Boston MA

Kelsey Rose Price
Building Transparency, Seattle WA

Megan Stringer
Holmes, San Francisco CA

Chelsea Drenick
WoodWorks, San Francisco CA

Chris Horiuchi
SOM, San Francisco CA

Swarna Karuppiah
Datum Engineers Inc, Austin TX

Matt Kantner
EQUILIBRIUM Consulting, Inc, Vancouver BC

Brian McSweeney
Ehlert Bryan Engineering Consulting, Orlando FL

Eunice Leung
SOM, New York, NY

Jonathan Broyles
Penn State University, State College PA

Martin Torres
University of Bath, Bath United Kingdom

Demi Fang
Northeastern University, Boston MA

Max Puchtel
American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago IL

Fraser Reid
Buro Happold, New York NY

Tracy Huynh
RMI Carbon-Free Buildings, Zurich Switzerland

Eric Giannini
Portland Cement Association, La Crosse WI

Catherine Cai
Magnusson Klemencic Associates, Seattle WA

Prateek Srivastava
Stantec, New York NY

Mel Chafart
Life Cycle Lab at University of Washington, Seattle WA
SEI Leadership
The SE 2050 Commitment Program has been developed by the SE 2050 Subcommittee of the SEI Sustainability Committee. The Sustainability Committee falls within the Technical Activities Division of the Structural Engineering Institute. The Structural Engineering Institute is led by the SEI Board of Governors. Our subcommittee is overseen directly by SEI staff including the SEI Director. Visit the SEI homepage here to learn more.
Advisory Group
We actively seek guidance from industry experts to ensure our program is always trending in the right direction and has opportunities for broad adoption and alignment with parallel initiatives. The following organizations have individuals who are members of this important group.
AIA 2030 & AIA DDx
Architecture 2030*
ASCE Committee on Sustainability
Athena Sustainable Materials Institute
Carbon Leadership Forum*
Charles Pankow Foundation
Delft University of Technology*
*Founding partner of SE 2050 Initiative
IStructE Climate Emergency Task Group
IStructE Sustainability Panel
Building Transparency
Glenn Bell, SEI Past President
NCSEA Sustainable Design Committee
Thornton Tomasetti*
University of Colorado, Boulder*
Join the Team!
We are always looking for dedicated professionals to help out! Please visit our Getting Involved page to learn more.