SE 2050 is a program under the umbrella of the Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). We have finite annual resources and welcome support from like-minded organizations and companies who believe in the mission of SE 2050 and that are able to provide additional financial support.
We welcome financial support from any individual or organization aligned with the goals of the SE 2050 Commitment Program. Donations from SE 2050 Signatory firms are always welcome but never required. We feel strongly that a structural engineer’s most significant impact on the mission of SE 2050 is to be part of the program, advocating for its cause, and contributing to its success. Therefore, if a firm that offers structural engineering services wishes to support SE 2050 financially, we respectfully require that the company first make a formal commitment to SE 2050 and remain active in meeting the requirements of the program.