
Get Involved

There are a number of ways to support this effort.

  1. Join the movement! Sign your firm up to formally join the SE 2050 Commitment Program!
  2. Join our committee and help shape the SE 2050 Program. This requires one to be a member of ASCE-SEI. Duties as a member include participation in monthly committee calls and possible separate calls with the committee subgroup you’d like to join. All hours put towards meetings and completing tasks outlined by the subgroup leader would be volunteer. As an active volunteer, you would be listed on the SE 2050 website as a committee member and your firm would get recognition for supporting the Program. You can find the application to the committee here. Under ‘Which type of SEI committee you wish to join,’ please put ‘SEI Technical Community Committee’. Under ‘Please indicate which SEI Technical Community Committee you wish to join,’ select SE 2050. In your application, please fill out all information in as much detail as possible.
  3. Advocate for the SE 2050 Program by asking structural engineering consultants and colleagues if their firm has visited or has considered formally joining the Commitment. During presentations and conversations on sustainability and embodied carbon, mention the SE 2050 Program and its purpose and importance.
  4. If you’re not a structural engineer, join our industry advisory group to provide overall feedback and advise on specific items we deem require outside review. The suggestions from the advisory group are not necessarily binding. To learn or join the advisory group, email
  5. Donate to support our Program in an area that requires funding support, such as database development and maintenance, developing educational resources, website maintenance, etc.

Reach out to SE 2050 with any questions! Email:

Thank you again for your interest! We are hopeful you will find one of these methods amenable to your interest in supporting us.

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